Canna & Dutch Pro Nutrients
These are heavily discounted online prices only and not available in the store.
Dutch Pro
Dutch Pro have been around for over 30 years and are based in Amsterdam. If you visit this fine city you will find that a lot of the coffee shops have Dutch Pro stickers in their windows. That’s to tell people what nutrients they use. Excellent product with great feedback from customers.

Dutch Pro
Dutch Pro have been around for over 30 years and are based in Amsterdam. If you visit this fine city you will find that a lot of the coffee shops have Dutch Pro stickers in their windows. That’s to tell people what nutrients they use. Excellent product with great feedback from customers.

Dutch Pro Original Soil Grow A+B
Does what it says on the bottle, excellent value, no fancy packaging. Just good honest nutrients from The ‘Dam’. For the growing stage of your plants life.
1 litre A+B - £10.00
5 litre A+B - £22.00
10 litre A+B - £35.50
5 litre A+B - £22.00
10 litre A+B - £35.50

Dutch Pro Original Soil Bloom A+B
Does what it says on the bottle, excellent value, no fancy packaging. Just good honest nutrients from The ‘Dam’. For the flowering stage of your plants life.
1 litre A+B - £10.00
5 litre A+B - £22.00
10 litre A+B - £35.50
5 litre A+B - £22.00
10 litre A+B - £35.50

Dutch Pro Hydro/Coco Grow A+B
This versatile growing nutrient works equally well in hydro systems or growing in coco. Over 30 years experience resulted in this product straight from The ‘Dam’
1 litre A+B - £10.00
5 litre A+B - £22.00
10 litre A+B - £35.50
5 litre A+B - £22.00
10 litre A+B - £35.50

Dutch Pro Hydro/Coco Bloom A+B
This versatile flowering nutrient works equally well in hydro systems or growing in coco. Over 30 years experience resulted in this product straight from The ‘Dam’
1 litre = £10.00
5 litre = £22.00
10 litre = £35.50
5 litre = £22.00
10 litre = £35.50

Dutch Pro Take Root
Great feedback from customers about this product. Unbelievable root growth which you can see day by day. My hat goes off to Peter from Dutch Pro for this product.
250ml = £15.00
1 litre =£38.00
5 litre = £160.00
1 litre =£38.00
5 litre = £160.00

Dutch Pro Multi Total
Excellent soil improver which turns dead plant matter into beneficial nutrients. Also improves a plants resistance to fungi and stress. Can be used on any medium. When used with Dutch Pro ‘Take Root’ has amazing results. Great customer feedback.
250ml = £8.80
1 litre = £22.50
5 litre = £94.50
1 litre = £22.50
5 litre = £94.50

Dutch Pro Explode
Dutch Pro’s one and only bloom stimulator can be used with any growing medium. Explosive flowering, firmer fruit and lots and lots of it! Make your plants explode!
250ml - £25.50
1 litre - £65.00
5 litre - £280.00
10 litre - £475.00
1 litre - £65.00
5 litre - £280.00
10 litre - £475.00

Dutch Pro Leaf Grean
Plant looking yellow and not very well, a quick spray a couple of hours before the lights come on for a few days should sort it out. Improves uptake of nutrients and helps the plant make the most of the light available.
1 litre - £7.00
5 litre - £26.50
5 litre - £26.50

Keep It Clean
1 litre - £23.50

PH - Grow
1 litre - £5.005 litre - £20.50

PH - Bloom
1 litre - £5.005 litre - £20.50

PH +
1 litre - £5.005 litre - £20.50
The name ‘Canna’ is known the world over. Indoor growers have been using Canna products for over 30 years with fantastic results.

Canna Start
One part nutrient for seedlings and cuttings. Everything your youngster needs to develop into a strong healthy plant.
500ml - £8.00
1 litre - £11.50
5 litre - £49.00
1 litre - £11.50
5 litre - £49.00

Canna Terra Vega
This is one part nutrient for soil and can be used indoor or outdoor. Easy to use and rapid growth.
1 litre - £12.50
5 litre - £34.00
10 litre - £57.00
5 litre - £34.00
10 litre - £57.00

Canna Terra Flores
One part nutrient for the flowering stage of plants growth in soil. Easy to use with great results.
1 litre - £12.50
5 litre - £34.00
10 litre - £57.00
5 litre - £34.00
10 litre - £57.00

Canna Hydro Vega A & B
2 part nutrient designed for systems that run to waste, like some dripper systems. For the growing stage of your crop. The fact that this product is the best selling nutrient in Europe speaks for itself.
1 litre A+B - £13.00
5 litre A+B - £34.00
10 litre A+B - £57.50
5 litre A+B - £34.00
10 litre A+B - £57.50

Canna Hydro Flores A & B
2 part nutrient designed for systems that run to waste. For the flowering stage of your crop when used in tandem with Canna Boost Accelerator and Canna PK 13/14. The results will astound you.
1 litre A+B - £13.00
5 litre A+B - £34.00
10 litre A+B - £57.50
5 litre A+B - £34.00
10 litre A+B - £57.50

Canna Aqua Vega A & B
2 part nutrient specifically designed for re-circulating systems which means using less water and nutrients. Excellent root disease resistance properties to really get your plant flourishing in the growing stage of your crop.
1 litre A+B - £14.50
5 litre A+B - £37.50
10 litre A+B - £58.50
5 litre A+B - £37.50
10 litre A+B - £58.50

Canna Aqua Flores A & B
This 2 part nutrient is specifically designed for re-circulating systems such as flood and drain, which means you are not using as much nutrients therefore saving money. This flowering nutrient is the business, and when used with canna boost accelerator and pk13/14 the results in terms of yield and strength will amaze you
1 litre A+B - £14.50
5 litre A+B - £37.50
10 litre A+B - £58.50
5 litre A+B - £37.50
10 litre A+B - £58.50

Canna Coco A+B
2 part nutrient designed for the coco medium. Can be used in pots or run-off systems. This nutrient is easy to use and can be used all through the plants cycle.
1 litre A+B - £14.00
5 litre A+B - £38.00
10 litre A+B - £58.50
5 litre A+B - £38.00
10 litre A+B - £58.50

Bio Canna Bio Rhizotonic
Not only encourages superfast root development, but also protects against diseases and moulds due to the increase in the plants immune system. Also used as a stress reliever when re-potting plants.
250ml - £12.50
1 litre - £32.50
5 litre - £132.00
1 litre - £32.50
5 litre - £132.00

Root growth stimulator full of vitamins and good enzymes which turns old dead roots and turns it into good bacteria, promoting new healthy root growth. Used throughout the plants cycle. Stops root binding, and helps your plant absorbs more nutrients therefore strong healthy plants and bigger yields.
250ml - £6.50
1 litre - £17.50
5 litre - £72.00
1 litre - £17.50
5 litre - £72.00

Canna Boost Accelerator
This stuff can be used in any growing medium and is a must for anybody wanting to end up with BIG, TASTY FRUIT!When adding your Canna Base Nutrient the results are amazing. It can double your yield easily and is well worth the money.
250ml - £26.00
1 litre - £64.00
5 litre - £200.00
1 litre - £64.00
5 litre - £200.00

Canna PK 13/14
Superb flowering booster used 2-3 weeks before the flushing stage. PK 13/14 gives your boost accelerator that final push to get as much fruit from your crops as possible.
250ml - £5.50
1 litre - £11.50
5 litre - £50.00
1 litre - £11.50
5 litre - £50.00

Canna Flush
You know the time is close when you are buying this product. Flushes all salts out of your plant to leave you with beautiful tasting fruit! Better than flushing with just water as this can cause problems in your soil/substrate.
250ml - £6.00
1 litre - £11.50
5 litre - £40.00
1 litre - £11.50
5 litre - £40.00

Bio Canna Bio Vega
This organic growing nutrient is really easy to use and is perfect for new growers or the discerning grower who puts quality and taste above all else. Especially good results when used with canna bio soil.
1 Litre - £16.00
5 litres - £55.00
5 litres - £55.00

Bio Canna Bio Flores
This organic flowering nutrient gives your fruit that extra lovely taste and smell. It is really easy to use and for that extra yield add bio boost.
1 litre - £16.00
5 litres - £55.00
5 litres - £55.00

Bio Canna Bio Boost
This organic yield booster really makes a big difference in the later stages of flowering. The bio active components increase the metabolism of the plant during flowering, which generates more sugars for tastier and heavier fruit.
250ml - £17.50
1 litre - £49.00
1 litre - £49.00

Bio Rhizotonic
Not only encourages super fast development but also protects against diseases and molds due to the increase in the plants immune system. Also used as a stress reliever when re-potting plants.
250ml - £17.50
1 litre - £49.00
1 litre - £49.00

Been around since the 1940s and used for many purposes, mostly used when plants are looking off colour, a few drops and amazing after a few days your crop looks better than ever. Used for cuttings seedlings through to large plants heavy in fruit. Amazing stuff.
30ml - £5.50
60ml - £8.50
120ml - £13.50
480ml - £41.50
60ml - £8.50
120ml - £13.50
480ml - £41.50

If you are thinking about growing a plant that is genetically 'stretchy' or if you don't have much height in your grow area,then this is for you.With this product horizontal growth is promoted,with really strong stems and very close internodes which results in dense flower formation.Only1g per 10 litres and only used for 1 week in early growth and 1 week in early flowering.can be used in any growing medium and with any fertilizer program.
20g - £55.00
100g - £200.00
100g - £200.00

Carbo Blast
Plants need carbohydrates for energy just like humans/and carbo blast is the perfect way to introduce it to your plants via the root system.Requires 1g per 4 litres to be used to be used all the way through your plants life.If a plant has low energy then it will struggle to to take up nutrients required to get the best out of your plants life.
300g - £13.00
650g - £22.00
2.5kg - £65.00
650g - £22.00
2.5kg - £65.00

Bud Start
Helps with early flowering stages,can be used in any growing medium and with any base nutrient.Only 1g per 10 litres of nutrient solution.
20g - £15.00
100g - £49.50
500g - £100.00
100g - £49.50
500g - £100.00
Due to the massive increase in hydroponics and indoor growing equipment it would be impossible to list all of our products on our website, so if there is a particular item that you are looking for and its not on here please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or email and we will do our upmost to satisfy your requirements. We can take orders over the phone if you are signed up to Google Checkout.